Monday, June 17, 2024

Today's Events

Film Show Times
  • Wed 7PM - Reel Oddities
  • Thu - Sun 4PM & 7PM
  • Sun 1PM - Kids Club Free for 12 under
  • 206 5th Avenue SE
  • Olympia, WA 98501
  • map | 360.754.6670


October 22 – November 2, 2023
4K Remaster Supervised by Gregg Araki
Nowhere’s weblike narrative charts a day in the hilarious and tragic life of Dark Smith (James Duval), a gorgeous, alienated 18-year-old obsessed with the End of the World and finding his one true and lasting love. The object of his affection, Mel (Rachel True), feels for him deeply but can’t commit herself to any one person or gender, splitting her time between Dark and her curvaceous, acid-tongued girlfriend, Lucifer (Kathleen Robertson). Dark, meanwhile, becomes enthralled by the beauteous Montgomery (Nathan Bexton), literally a vision to behold beneath the golden California sun.
Dir: Gregg Araki / 1997 / US / 87 min

“Due to circumstances beyond my control, Nowhere was never properly distributed on DVD in the US – just VHS (!) and I guess, laserdisc (?!). So, for the past 20 or so years, every time I appeared for a panel or Q&A, fans have been asking if/when Nowhere will get a proper release. Well, I’m thrilled to say that day is finally here! Thanks to Marcus and Jon at Strand Releasing (who also did the recent Doom Generation restoration), we’ve created a brand new 4K remaster of Nowhere, color-timed from camera original 35mm negative at Roundabout Entertainment with totally remixed sound done at Monkeyland Audio. In addition, we have also restored footage removed prior to the film’s original theatrical release. After Nowhere’s world premiere at Sundance in 1997, the distributor and MPAA demanded we make cuts to “tone down” several scenes or lose our “R” rating. This remastered edition marks the first time the original, uncensored Director’s Cut has been available since then. It is truly humbling and amazing the love and support out there for Nowhere which has survived for all these years on the basis of crappy VHS copies, YouTube uploads, Russian torrents, etc. I am so grateful to finally be able to give the fans the ultimate, uncensored, beautifully restored and remixed 4K version of Nowhere they deserve. Let the love feast begin!” – Gregg Araki

SCREENING: SUN 10/22 4PM; THU 10/26 4PM; SUN 10/29 4PM; THU 11/2 4PM

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