Thursday, February 6, 2025

Today's Events

Film Show Times
  • Wed 7PM - Reel Oddities
  • Thu - Sun 4PM & 7PM
  • Sun 1PM - Kids Club Free for 12 under
  • 206 5th Avenue SE
  • Olympia, WA 98501
  • map | 360.754.6670

Capitol Theater Restoration Project

11/01/2023 – Fundraising begins on the Sidewalk Project to create a more accessible and safer entry and exit into the Capitol Theater! Donate today! Help us reach our goal! Dedicate and personalize a brick for $200 online here

9/13/2022 – Replica 1924 awning is completed, and design and fundraising planning begins on the sidewalk extension to create better and safer access to the theater.  Assessment of exterior plaster and marble facade in the vestibule for water intrusion and how to protect from inclement weather.

7/08/2021 – Terrazzo marble tested and confirmed trace amounts of hazardous materials.

6/18/2021 –  New electrical and box office audio systems installed.

5/01/2021 – Repairs and reinforcements made to the original awning structure. Installation of new frame

4/21/2021 – The final design of the replica awning is confirmed.

4/19/2021 – Begin removal of unsalvageable awning parts. Expose the inner original structure of the 1924 awning!

4/14/2021 – Environmental testing and abatement completed.

4/01/2021 – Nationally recognized muralist from Seattle, Weirdo begins installation of “Crystal’s Story” mural above the Free Wall on the back of the theater. Crystal Allenton, Washington Governors University, and OFS celebrate her triumphant recovery from an uphill battle of homelessness and domestic abuse.

11/20/2020 – OFS successfully ends the Community Foundation Give Local online fundraising campaign to close the gap of funds needed to restore the Capitol Theater awning.  Total raised $19,141.

11/01/2020 – Final awning assessment complete and construction set for Spring 2021.

3/17/2020 – All capital projects are put on hold due to the pandemic. Fundraising and grant writing for operations take precedence.  Future project planning will commence once operations are stabilized.

2/09/2020 – The balcony emergency exit ladder receives a much-needed restoration plan to avoid future damage from oversized trucks in the alley.

2/27/2020 – Draft seat designs shared with the public.

11/9/2019 – OFS announces future balcony seat campaign kick-off through the Community Foundation of South Puget Sound’s, Give Local online program! The OFS community raised $23,000 towards the assessment of outfitting all new seats on the balcony!


019 – The first draft of the awning designs is in!   The focus of the design is to create a replica of the original iron and art glass awning.  The new design will include modern features needed for safety and additional comfort including more sidewalk coverage, additional lighting, and modern materials that will be affordable to repair or replace if damage occurs.

7/4/2019 – Roof replacement completed! Now it’s all about maintaining the roof. We’re looking forward to the first rainstorm to see how it holds up.  The assessment determined we did not have to replace the entire roof, but a new heat and cool efficient and economical protective layer could be added. This long-lasting process is low maintenance and will secure the roof for another 50+ years.   What’s next?  The final piece to this project, the awning replacement.  OFS will engage with Thomas Architecture Studio to create drawings and features for the new awning and facade.

6/4/2019 – Roof replacement project begins!  What’s that sound?  It’s the sound of progress.  We believe a new roof is as sexy as new seats, but we need to make sure when those new seats come in, they’re protected from water intrusion! The theater will get a new roof put on th

is summer! That’s one more step closer to the awning project coming this summer!

4/1/2019 – Window Restoration project begins – come by the new theater offices at 202 5th Avenue SE to meet the craftspeople from EcoWood Works who will be restoring the second-floor Mezzanine windows at the Capitol Thater!  See a sample of the working windows that will be replacing the old, tattered vinyl windows.  The new ones are historically correct, handmade, and locally sourced – also, GORGEOUS!!

2/7/2019 – WHAT?!  Oh no, our precious marquee was severely damaged by a loading truck affiliated with a show at the Washington Center. Sadly, the marquee is considered a total loss. The marquee design is 100% handcrafted, hand-painted, handblown glass, and gold-leafed. This is not an art piece that can be easily replicated or pounded back into shape. Stay tuned as we determine how to move forward while juggling both renovations of the face of the theater.

2/3/2018 – WE’RE NUMBER 5 (and that’s GOOD)!
After eight long months of delay, our state capital budget has finally passed. OFS is excited to announce that we are the 2017-2019 Washington State Heritage Capital Projects Fund recipients!  We will be receiving $118,000 in state-appropriated funds to “protect the Capitol Theater’s envelope” (plainly referred to as Phase 3).   Our project, selected by the Washington State Historical Society, is the 5th most important Washington State project!  However, we feel all of our cohorts are just as important, and thankfully so did our state and local legislators and our Governor, thank you to everyone involved in the project. OFS is honored to have been chosen to receive this prestigious grant. Congratulations everyone!

What is this project exactly?

Project: Capitol Theater Roof Replacement & Original Awning Restoration- Phase #3
Appropriation: $118,000
Scope: The Olympia Film Society has been working towards the preservation of the Capitol Theater since 2010. This multi-phase project is Phase 3, which includes the restoration of the original awning, facade windows, and the roof’s replacement to protect the structure from further water and moisture intrusion.

What happens next?

Because of the state capital budget’s delayed approval, OFS will need to work quickly to raise several thousand of dollars in funds to complete this project and begin the groundwork for the additional projects associated with the phases.

Join us Monday, February 26 at 6:30 pm at the Capitol Theater for the 2018 Annual Membership meeting to discuss the exciting plans that our future holds!

Join our Capital Campaign Task Force!

OFS is looking for a professional fundraiser to help us fundraise.  RFQ’s to be posted soon.  If you have fundraising and networking skills and would like to be involved with the project, please contact us!

If you would like to know more about this project or get involved, contact:  Audrey Henley, Executive Director, 360-754-667- x20




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